Payment Method | KL Florist | Online Flower Shop
Payment can be made by:
Cash (should be made at the shop)
Cheque / Money Order
(All cheque/ Money Order should be crossed and made payable to "Summer Pots Sdn Bhd")
Summer Pots Sdn Bhd reserves the right to hold orders until cheque is cleared
Bank Transfer:
Bank | Malayan Banking Berhad |
Account Type | Current Account |
Account Holder | Summer Pots Sdn Bhd |
Account Number | 5140 4901 7864 |
We accept various payment methods for online shopping
- Master Card & Visa by OPN
- Online banking/FPX/E-Wallet by OPN
Our website uses the Secure Socket Layer(SSL) technology for encrypting and sending your credit card details. The system protects your credit card details from being intercepted and used fraudently while the information is in transit over the net.